Back to School season is one of my favorite times of the year. When I was a child, I loved school so much that I would "play school" with my stuffed animals and my 2 younger brothers (when they would let me)! To make my classroom, I would collect all of our laundry baskets and flip them over to make desks for each of my "students" complete with a personalized name plate, perfectly sharpened pencils, and handwritten class assignments. LOL!
As we all know, this year's Back to School season was unlike any other. It was also my first time not working directly with school-based educators so I spent a lot of time reflecting on how I might answer the call to offer support to educators around the world.
Given my love for supporting students through coaching educators and my growing skillset in wellness practices, I knew in my gut that offering FREE one-to-one wellness check-ins specifically for Indigenous, Black, and People of Color educators would be the way I can uniquely offer support this school year.
I am beyond grateful for the countless individuals who have supported this service since I launched in August 2020. Your reposts on social media and your financial contributions help me connect to BIPOC educators who are seeking 1-1 support. THANK YOU to everyone supports and helps sustain it as a FREE offering at Breathe With Cap!
What is a 1-1 Wellness Check-In?
I believe each of us has the answers we seek within us and that the role of a coach and/or a teacher is to guide us to uncover those answers. True to my coaching and teaching philosophy, I see my role in a 1-1 wellness check-in for BIPOC educators as someone who can hold space for intentional reflection on our personal and collective well-being.
I also believe that we don't need to make drastic changes in our life to practice self-care so in these sessions, we reflect on the little shifts we can make on a day-to-day scale that can add up to a larger impact in our lives.
Here is a reflection guide I send ahead of our live session to ground our time together. It flows in 3 parts: Nourish Your Needs, Plant the Seeds, and Watch You Grow.
The Answers We're Seeking Live Within Us
These are just a few examples of the wisdom that are uncovered in our 1-1 wellness check-ins. Swipe right for self-care inspiration from BIPOC educators around the US!
Reflection Questions
As you consider your wellness practices, I invite you to reflect on the following:
Is there a part of your day you'd like to bring a little bit more ease? What is something "small" you can do to make this part of your day more easeful?
What self-care practices make you feel nourished? When in your day can you incorporate these practices?
What is the impact on your students and school community when you tend to your well-being?